Saturday, June 12, 2010

Making Flubber! my first tutorial

One of the few things my boys can agree on: FLUBBER

We make flubber on a regular basis for both the Pre-K and Kindy classrooms at school and have done this for 4 years. We have a recycling bin in our garage of half used white glue bottles, saved for making the school's supply of flubber.
What is flubber? It is simply put, a silicon polymer formed by the chemical interaction of Borax, water, and white glue. A rubbery, slippery mess to squish between your fingers. You can rip it and tear it but it will all melt back together and meld into a pool of semi-liquid slime.

Oh, and it doesn't come out of your clothes with water. Isn't that just the greatest? (insert eye roll here.) You need to use vinegar as a solvent to break down the compound, but it works instantly. You just smell like an Easter egg.
But the boys think it is the best for squishing into plastic cups and making fart noises with it. Hahaha. Farts are funny.

Here is our step-by-step process of making flubber:Recipe for Flubber
part 1:
1 large container with lid (that you will store the flubber in. We use a large margarine container)
1 1/2 cups very warm water
2 cups white glue
food coloring
part 2:
a second smaller container (can be any kitchen bowl)
1 1/3 cups very warm water
2 level tsp 20 Mule team Borax

Pour 1 1/2 c. water into your storage container. Measure glue into plastic measuring cup.As you can see, we mixed both white and gel glue together and it turned out just fine. Mix glue and water together until well combined and smooth.
Add food coloring and mix until desired color is reached (or you run out of color.) Set aside.In bowl 2, mix warm water and Borax and mix well until Borax is dissolved.Now grab that first bowl and take out the spoon. Trust me, you can't mix this with a spoon. Pour in the Borax mix and look at what happens.Cool.Now stick your hand in and squish and mix for a few minutes until it's fully combined. If there is any water left, just dump it out.Mr Dude says to let the flubber stand in the container with the lid off for a little while (or play with it) which will prevent the lid from gathering condensation (which shortens the life of the flubber.)
This will be good for as long as it stays for our family of 3 boys and a dad, it lasts about 3 weeks. They all cover toys with it, create action packed situations where the action figures are being consumed by the evil blob of flubber... so we have to dig for lost toys before we throw out the old stuff. It's like digging for buried treasure. Yeah, just like it.

I'm linking to:
