Thursday, March 15, 2012

recovery - and a PSA

It's been 6 months since my last post.....a lot has happened. But too much for me to go over all the gruesome's an overview:
  • I  spent the remainder of my summer with my wonderful boys, swimming, geo-caching and playing and making tie-dye t-shirts. 
  • We entered the new school year but I wasn't feeling great. I gained 20 pounds.
 I gained 20 pounds! OMG I GAINED  20 flippin' pounds!!
"I hope you went to the doctor"  you say.
Well....You know how you hope it will go away and you want to ignore it??
I ignored it because I was so embarrassed that I gained 20 pounds I didn't want to get on that scale, and I know you know what I mean.
Then I came home from a 4 mile walk (folks- I was walking/running 16 miles a week and taking care of a 3 year-old. I was eating healthy. I gained 20 pounds in 3 weeks.)
So I came home, showered and couldn't fit into the pants I was wearing before I went on my walk.
Yes...I called the doctor. Within 24 hours I knew I had an abdominal mass. 
In 48, I had an appointment with an Oncologist.
and 12 days later I had surgery and was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer.
 I am one of the lucky ones...I was diagnosed at stage one. That means I have a 95% or better chance of recovery. Many are not as lucky, so I am including a wonderful warning sign poster Dr. Oz put together with the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. It's a very simple, yet absolutely ABSOLUTELY accurate  warning sign poster. I had so many of the signs, it's ridiculous, but I had never seen this poster or heard of the warning signs. 

I'm not turning this into a blog about cancer. This will be my last Public Service Announcement...I have so many thing to blog about. But just keep this in the back of your mind. 

'Cuz knowledge is power.