Thursday, April 22, 2010

Absurd Bird

There I was... driving down my street heading home. Ahead of me I see a large bird in the street and I think, "oh those people's rooster got out and is in the middle of the street." I think this because I can see the red comb on it's head. As I drive closer, I realize it's not a rooster, but this: I borrowed this image (I didn't have my camera handy.)

Now, some of you may not be impressed but I have only seen a turkey vulture in this city a few times and I really didn't expect to see one on my street! And I don't live in the rural 'burbs. I live 7 miles from down town Portland. I'm one mile from a MALL. I am CIVILIZED and URBAN. I was totally in awe from that ugly bird ripping away at the insides of a dead squirrel. Poor squirrelie. It was still cool.

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