Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mantis Babes

Boys love bugs and rocks and slime and dirt. Yes, it may be a sweeping generalization, but there are reasons people stereotype. Hello, truth! We had a little brown poo-like egg sack sitting in a paper bag in my kitchen window, for about 8 weeks. Every day I was supposed to open the bag and see if the creepies hatched. Luckily, I has some warning and my parents' mantis hatched first and they gave me a head's up. Sure enough, when I opened up the bag there were 2 little mantids looking to escape. I let them go and the next day, look what was waiting for me.
Those are about 150 praying mantis babes. Wee little creepy-crawlies hatched in a paper bag in my kitchen. Mmmmm. That big brown thing is the egg. The boys thought they were awesome and my oldest let one crawl all over him before letting it go free in the roses.
Even though I've called my kids "bug" since the dawning of their existence, I'm not too keen on bugs. Or hatching them in my kitchen.

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Talk About it Tuesday

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