Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer is off to a great far we have a few things crossed off our list:

Tae Kwan Do

Ian showing directional kicks
planting a veggie garden

homework goals

reading goals

Starting a 2nd Spanish group

zoo trips

Bike riding

Swimming Lessons

Park Rec activities

One thing we started here is Mr. Piggy Meals

Mr. Pigg visits at dinner at helps keep little piggies in-line. If someone happens to lunge across the table for second helping I cheer place Mr. Pigg in front of them quietly letting them know how to correct their behavior.
At first, it nearly back-fired. Everyone wanted Mr. Pigg to be in front of them. They were being gross on purpose!
Then Ian started sobbing that he didn't want to be the pig. So I took one for the team and burped and had the pig infront of me. The older two were openly guffawing. Momma burped!
The next night it was a little less fun...especially when Dawson had to help load the dishwasher.
And finally, they big ones learned that if they ate their dinner quickly, they stood less a chance of ending up with the pig...because they were done and they ate with good manners.
It's working...I'm pleased.

1 comment:

Jackie P said...

Don't bring Mr. Pigg for Sunday dinner. There's not telling what would happen!

Clever idea!